How to file Form INC 22A (Active Company Tagging Identities and Verification)

Active Company Tagging Identities and Verification (ACTIVE) form INC 22A is required to filed by every Company incorporated on or before 31st December, 2017 to MCA.

Mandatory Requirements for Filing Form INC 22A: 

  1. Address of Registered Office of the company, Photo of Office Address is required to be uploading along with Director of the company who is signing the Form INC22A
  2. Company should file all its overdue returns before filing form INC22A
  3. Every Director of the company must be KYC complied ( Must have filed form DIR3KYC) 
  4. Email Id of the company ( to be verified through OTP) 
  5. List of Directors as on date of filing of Form INC 22A
  6. Details of Auditor of the company including Name of Firm, PAN, Membership Number , Period from which Appointed  
  7. Details of cost Auditors, if applicable  
  8. Details of Managing Director , CEO, Manager of the company 
  9. Details of company Secretary of the company , if applicable 
  10. Details of CFO of the company , if applicable 
  11. SRN of E form Filed for Financial Year 2017-18

Due Date for Filing Form INC 22A (ACTIVE) 

The E form INC22A is required to Filed on or Before 25th April, 2019 

Late Fee

Late Fee for Filing E form INC 22A after 25th April 2019 will be Rs. 10000/- 

Effect of Non filing 

Company Status will be Changed to “ACTlVE-non-compliant” and Company will not required to file other forms 

(i) SH-07 (Changc in Authorizr:d Capital);

(ii) PAS-03 (Changc in Paid-up Capital);

(iii)DIR- 12 (Changes in Director except cessation);

(iv) INC-22 (Changc in Registered Ofhce);

(v) INC-28 (Amalgamation, de-merger)

File ACTIVE (INC22A ) with Fastlegal – Call – 9782280098 or Email : mail@fastlegal.in