How to Change Main Object Clause Of MOA of Private Limited Company (7 Steps)

object clause

If a Private Limited company wish to undertake any object (New Business Activity) which is not mentioned in its MOA, and the company wants to start up a new business which is not as per it’s MOA then, it should make a change in its main object by Following the procedure mentioned below

object clause

Step by Step Procedure for Change in Object Clause of MOA of Company

Time Requierd 25 days

Hold Board Meeting and send Notice for Extra Ordinary General Meeting for change in Object Clause

Object Change

The first step for change in object clause of the MOA of the company is to hold Board meeting of the Company, in the board meeting main agenda should be to hold an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting of the Company.

Hold Extra-Ordinary General Meeting on the specified date for the change in Object Clause

object clasue

Now hold the extra Ordinary general meeting of the Company, in this regard do necessary legal and procedural requirement at venue of general meeting

Pass Resolution by taking approval of Shareholders for change in Object Clause

How to Change Main Object Clause Of MOA of Private Limited Company (7 Steps) 1

Now start the proceedings of general meeting and pass required resolution for change in main object of the company, resolution is required to be passed by requisite approval of shareholders of company

Get true certified copies of all the documents and resolutions in respect to change in Object Clause

object change

Once all the approval of shareholders are received , any director of company or authorized person will prepare necessary documents , like certified copies of all the documents and resolution , Following documents certified copies is mandatory required to be arranged :
1. Altered MOA of the Company
2. Resolution passed at EGM of the Company

File MGT-14 with all the Resolutions and Altered MOA

How to Change Main Object Clause Of MOA of Private Limited Company (7 Steps) 2

Once the above requirements are complete in all respect, Company is required to file E Form MGT-14 to Registrar of Companies with payment of fee.

Approval of E form MGT-14 for Change in Object of the Company

approval of MGT-14

Once e Form MGT-14 is filed with ROC , the ROC will check and verify the correctness of the Form and will if deems fit approve or send back the e form

Certificate of Registration for Change in Object Clause of the Company

Certificate for Object Change

Once the E form MGT-14 is approved by ROC , the Company will receive the email in this regard along with Certificate.

Once all the above is completed, complete all the required certificate and altered MOA in single set as new set of MOA of the Company.