Every One Person Company shall always have Nominee of Member, that who shall become the member of the company in the event of death or incapacity to contract of member of Once Person of the Company.
First Nominee is declared at the time of Incorporation of company with consent of nominee form INC -3
Now in case Member of One Person of the company wanted to Change the Nominee of Member than he can do so by Filing prescribed form to Registrar of Companies in Form INC-4
Form INC-4 is required to Filed in Following Cases :
- Notice of withdrawal of consent by the nominee of OPC
- Intimation about change in the name of the nominee of OPC
- Intimation of Cessation
Notice of withdrawal of consent by the nominee of OPC:
Form INC-4 is required to filed when the Nominee has withdrawal consent to act as nominee of OPC, than the member of the Company shall nominate any other person as Nominee of the Company by taking consent of nominee in form INC-3 along with ID and Address Proof of Nominee.
Intimation about change in the name of the nominee of OPC:
Form INC-4 is required to be when there is change in nominee due to Change in Nominee by Member of OPC
Intimation of Cessation:
When the Member of the Company ceased to be member of the Company due to
- transfer of ownership of the company to other person ,
- Death of the member
- Incapacity of member to contract
In this case the transferee or the nominee will become the member of the company.
In case of Change in Member either member can choose to Change the Nominee to new person or the existing nominee can remain the nominee.