Meaning of Trade union
Table of Contents
Trade Union” means any combination, whether temporary or permanent, formed primarily for the purpose of regulating the relations between workmen and employers or between workmen and workmen, or between employers and employers, or for imposing restrictive conditions on the conduct of any trade or business, and includes any federation of two or more Trade Unions
Employees or Workmen Union are established by workers or employees to protect their rights in the organisation and to represent themselves with different groups, organisations and Government.
Minimum Requirements for Registration of Trade Union:
- Minimum 7 (Seven) Members are Required
- Name of Trade Union
- Address of Trade Union
- Date of Formation of Trade union
- Total no. of employees / workers engaged in the Trade Union
- Name, Address and Occupation of Employees/ Workers who are subscribing the Application for Registration of Trade Union
- Rule and Regulations of Trade Union
- Authorization Letter for Making Application for Registration of Trade Union
- Resolution of a general meeting of the union or the instruction by which authority was given
Documents Required for Making Application of Trade Union Registration:
- Aadhar Card of Members
- Copy of rent / ownership (NOC)
- Copy of Address Proof ( Electricity Bill. Telephone Bill)
- Duly Signed Declaration form ( We Will Provide you copy of Declaration Along with Other Documents )
- Duly Signed Subscriber Sheet
- Duly Signed Rules and Regulations
Information Required in Rules and Regulations of Trade Union
- Name of Trade Union
- Objects of Trade Union
- Maintenance of List of Members of Trade Union
- Payment of a subscription by members of the Trade Union
- The manner in which rules will be amended
- The manner in which the members of the executive and the other office-bearers of the trade union shall be appointed and removed
- The manner in which the funds of the trade union shall be kept and audited and inspection of the books of accounts by the office bearers and members of the trade union be made
- The conditions under which any member shall be entitled to have benefits under the rules and under which fine or forfeiture shall be imposed on the members; and The manner in which the trade union shall be dissolved
Fastlegal Provides Trade Union Registration Registration Services in Rajasthan
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