Recruiting Agent as an Entity
Recruiting Agent(RA) is an entity offering to provide, employment in any country or place outside India on behalf of the Employer. It is required that prospective applicants get themselves registered with the Overseas Employment Division of MEA. Once registration is approved by MEA the applicants are eligible to offer employment to Indian citizens through eMigrate.
To get registered as RA the applicants need to fill ‘Recruiting Agent Registration Form’. This form capture applicant’s basic details with respect to Administrative Details, Registrars of Companies(ROC) details, office details, Address of Jurisdiction Police Office, Financial details, Company turnover over the last five years.
The applicant is required to upload the following documents :
Mandatory document for all applicants (Proprietorship, Partnership, Company)
Common to all :
Table of Contents
Attestation Mandatory (from central or state Government gazetted officer) :
- Photograph of the Managing Director(MD)/Managing Partner(MP)/Proprietor.
- Copy of PAN Card of Agency/Proprietor, MD/MP/Directors/Partners.
- Copy of the Education Certificate of MD/ Mg. Part/Proprietor.
- Copy of the Education Certificate of MD/ Mg. Part/Proprietor.
- Copy of RC under Shop and Establishment Act.
Attestation Optional :
- Assets and liabilities Statement of MD/MP/Propriet or for last 3 years assessed by certified CA with membership number and address.
- Specimen signature of MD/Mg. Part/Proprietor duly attested by a Gazette officer.
- Blue Print of the layout plan of the office Duly signed and stamped by the government approved architect with registration and membership number.
- Valuation Report of Assets in office premise by a registered Valuer with registration number and membership number.
- Copy of Latest Land line Telephone Bill in the name of Agency.
- Trade Testing Certificate along with Photograph.
- Duly Notarized Affidavit that agency has not been involved in any recruitment business before.
In case of company :
- Resolution (Acknowledged by ROC) passed to authorize one of the director to act as MD and to sign papers on behalf of the company.
- A copy of Memorandum of Association.
- A Copy of Articles of Association.
- A copy of the Certificate of registering the company.
In case of Partnership :
- Attested Copy of Partnership Deed.
- True Extracts from the registrar of firms in support of registration of the partnership deed.
- Resolution passed to authorize one of the partner to act as Mg. Part and to sign papers on behalf of the firm.
Conditional Mandatory document :
In case of partnership, company and if Balance sheet available selection is ‘Yes’:
- A copy of the balance sheet as at the close of the previous financial year.
If ‘Income Tax return not available for Company/Firm/ Proprietor/MD/ MG. Part/ Partners/ Directors’ selection is ‘yes’:
- Income tax return of Company/Firm/Proprietor, MD/Mg. Part, all directors/partners for last 3 years.
If the ownership of office is Leased/Rented :
- Registered and Notarised Lease/Rent agreement.
- Latest Lease/Rent Receipt.
- NOC from owner of office (if office is leased/ rented) on duly notarized affidavit.
If the office is owned :
- Ownership Deed/Proof of office premise.
In case UID is provided :
- Attested copy of Aadhar Card of Proprietor/ MD/Mg. Part,Directors/Partners
RA Registration Fee
For unlimited capacity:
RA can make a payment of Rs. 25000/- only through Payment -> RA Registration fee.
For the capacity of 100 recruitment:
RA can make a payment of Rs. 10000/- only through Payment -> RA Registration fee.
RA Resistration