In this article we will discuss starting social media marketing agency business in India, with the growing popularity of social media and perfect targeting mediums that provided by the social media websites, social media marketing agency business is now gaining popularity has the traditional form of advertising means are costly and provides the less conversation, what are the hand if you are doing a social media marketing with the very minimum cost you can start getting the actual customers that you need.
Social media marketing spending amounts to increasing the main requirement of the agencies who can handle the social marketing agency business for the clients.

Following steps are involved for starting social media marketing agency business
Table of Contents
1. Learning the social media marketing:
If you’re starting the social media marketing business you need to know
how the social media marketing works, what are the steps involved, how you can acquire more targeted customers to your clients need,
To learn everything that social media marketing provides this will take time to get expert knowledge in the social media marketing but the first step involved is to get the learning how it works, there a penalty of online courses available or you can get it out by doing it yourself with experimenting the Facebook ads, Google ads, etc.
2. Setting up of website and social media accounts for your social media marketing agency
once you get some understanding about how the social media marketing works to start out by setting up you on the website and social media pages
3. Getting the first client
Getting the first client for the social media marketing business is not an easy task, to get the first client you need to do some promotional activities, the best thing that you can do is to offer a free service for first clients for a period of initial months this will help the client to have faith on you and once you prove the results, you will be getting a testimonial for your next clients
4. Getting your agency registered as a private limited company
Once you start out the actual business operations you can go for starting out your own private limited company and get all the activities of your agency get done through the bank account of the private limited company, you should raise all the invoices in the name of your company and accept payments in the bank account of the company.
You can get the payment gateway integration with your company bank account on accept payments via payment gateways
5. Maintaining the Regular Compliances for your Company
As you register your business as a private limited company you need to do certain compliance as per the government regulations, it is very much mandatory to do them all the government compliance is on time to get your business running smoothly, you can take help of consultants to manage your compliance very easily, please note that known maintaining the legal compliances can make you in trouble as there are very high penalties for non-compliances.
Fastlegal provides business registration and legal compliance Management services to all type of businesses, if you need any help you can directly email at or call us at 9782280098