To carry on a digital marketing business in India you need to register your business with any other business structures available to do business in IndiaFollowing options are available for registration of a business structure
- Proprietorship firm registration
- Partnership firm registration
- LLP Registration
- Company Registration
Digital Marketing Agency Business is service based business where revenue is dervied from providing service for generating sales and leads through online platforms.
Proprietorship firm business
- If you are a single individual and wants to the start out the digital marketing business you need and you do not want to spend much more money.
- Start out with proprietorship firm business it is the most easiest and significantly used platform for small businesses this type of a business you do not need to spend much money on registration and compliance part and all what you can do is can be done and this form also the proprietorship firm is no different in yourself in this case you need your own personal account number that is pan number to be used while registration of this firm.
While filing the tax return form to the proprietorship firm you are filing your own personal return under the business income head.Under the income tax provisions you will get the benefit for the slab rates prescribed and will be taxed accordingly
Partnership firm business
If you are carrying on business with one or more persons that is partners you may start the digital marketing business and the partnership firm business modelpartnership firm business model gets significant popularity in the Indian market. It provides very easy registration as well as managing compliances.Register of firms do not require any financial reporting from a partnership entity and only you need to file the tax returns the registrar of firms require reporting only when there is a change in a constitution of a firm.
LLP business form
LLP business structure is none other than a partnership firm business with the benefit of limited liability.Here the benefit of limited liability provides a significant benefit to the partners in case of insolvency and liquidation of an LLP has personal property of the partner will not get influenced or will be under the obligation unless the personal guarantee has been provided by the partner to the extent.The tax structure and the partnership firm and limited liability partnership is significantly same as there the same provisions that apply to both the entities except few.For registration of a limited liability partnership the name of LLP should be very unique and there should not be any company or Trademark registered under the category of digital marketing services.
Private limited company business form
Private limited company is most popular business structure in India with benefit of a company and limited liability.Private limited company business structure needs to be understand before forming it this business structure provides shareholders and directorsShareholder are the investors in the company who provides capital to run the business of the company directors are interested with duties and powers to run the business very effectively.Further Director and shareholders can be the same person.Directors takes salary from the company for the services provided also if the directors are non executive directors company may give sitting fees for attending the board meetings.Father and the only private limited company structure you can provide stock options facility to your employees, stock options facilities are very important scheme for any of the growing startups that require employees to retain with them.Under Stock options facility employees are provided with options to to buy shares of the company at a future date on a predetermined price (all these conditions are mention under the esop scheme)ESOP provide significant value creation for employees where they sense the ownership in the company and if the value company increases significantly due to successful business the wealth of employees grow significantly.
Registration of all the business structure the applicant needs to provide the KYC documents and KYC for the business address place
Following KYC documents are required from individuals
- Bank Statement with current address
- Photo
- Mobile No
- Email id
KYC documents for business place
- Electricity Bill
- NOC (No Objection Certificate)
- Rent Agreement, if business is rented