Stamp Duty on Power of Attorney (POA) in Rajasthan

In this article we will discuss the amount of Stamp duty payable on power of attorney (POA) in Rajasthan, In India stamp duty varies from state to state and every state has its own rates for payment of stamp duty.

There are different instances where Power of attorney can be executed, stamp duty payable depends accordingly

Stamp Duty

Stamp Duty on Power of Attorney (POA) in Rajasthan

Particulars (Type of Instrument) Amount of Stamp duty
When Power of Attorney is executed for the sole purpose of procuring the registration of one or more documents in relation to a single transaction or for admitting execution of one or more such documentsRs. 100
When Power of Attorney is executed authorizing one person or more to act in a single transaction other than the case mentioned aboveRs. 100
When authorizing not more than five persons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or generallyRs. 200
Power of Attorney executed by Client in favour of
Stock Broker registered in SEBI for purchase of
Rs. 200
When authorizing more than five persons but not more than ten persons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or generallyRs. 200
When given for consideration and
authorizing the attorney to sell any immovable property
6% of consideration
When given for consideration and authorizing the attorney to sell any immovable property
(Female SC/ST/BPL)
4% of Consideration (After Rebate)
when given for consideration and authorizing the attorney to sell any immovable property;
(Female other than SC/ST/BPL)
5% of Consideration (After Rebate)
When given for consideration and authorizing the attorney to sell any immovable property;
(Disabled 40% & above)
5% of Consideration (After Rebate)
When power of attorney is given without consideration to sell immovable property to the father, mother, brother, sister, wife, husband, son, daughter, grandson or grand daughter of the executantRs. 2000
when power of attorney is given without consideration to sell immovable property to any other person 0.5% of market value of property (After Rebate )
When given to promoter or developer by whatever name called for construction on, or
development of, or sale or transfer (in any manner whatsoever) of, any immovable property, (Sale
power not given)
1% of market value (After Rebate)
When given to promoter or developer by whatever name called for construction on, or
development of, or sale or transfer (in any manner whatsoever) of, any immovable property, (with
Sale power)
1.5% on
proportionate part
and 1% on remaining
part of market value
Authentication Power of Attorney (any other Case)Rs. 50

How to Pay Stamp duty on Power of Attorney

Stamp Duty on Power of Attorney in Rajasthan can be paid both in Online and offline Mode, In case of Offline Mode you need to visit to Registered Stamp Vendor office and Purchase the stamp Paper of applicable amount and in case of Online mode , you may purchase stamp paper through registered office of stock holding corporation and authorized stamp vendors.

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