
कंपनी Return फाइल करने के लिए नई स्कीम क्या है – बिना लेट फीस के साथ फाइल करे कंपनी की return

  • क्या है यह कंपनी फ्रेश स्टार्ट स्कीम – 2020 (CFSS-2020) में :

कंपनी फ्रेश स्टार्ट स्कीम -2020 ROC / MCA के साथ E फॉर्म भरने के लिए अतिरिक्त शुल्क के भुगतान के लिए छूट के लिए है और अभियोजन के लॉन्च से प्रतिरक्षा या जुर्माना लगाने की कार्यवाही

  • कौन कौन से फॉर्म करे सकते है फाइल :
  • कंपनियों जो वार्षिक Return और आरओसी / एमसीए यानी फार्म एओसी -4, एओसी-4 एक्सबीआरएल, एओसी-4 सीएफएस के लिए वित्तीय विवरण दर्ज नहीं करवाई हैलिए,फार्म MGT-7
  • कंपनियों जो किसी भी ई फार्म कि करने के लिए दायर किया जाना आवश्यक है नहीं दर्ज कराई है आरओसी / एमसीए और दायर नहीं अर्थात फॉर्म एमजीटी -14, एडीटी -1, फॉर्म डीपीटी -3, फॉर्म डीआईआर -12, फॉर्म 20 ए, आईएनसी 22
  • अवधि जिसके लिए रिटर्न सीएफएसएस-2020 के तहत तक दाखिल किया जा सकता है।
  • 01-04-2020 से 30-09-2020
  • शुल्क दस्तावेज दाखिल करने के लिए देय
  • सामान्य फाइलिंग शुल्क
  • क्या है फॉर्म सीएफएसएस -2020
  • ई फॉर्म
  • आवश्यक हैएमसीए के साथ दायर किया जाना चाहिए
  • योजना के अंत के बाद6 महीने के भीतर
  • ई फॉर्म सीएफएसएस -2020 के लिए कोई फाइलिंग शुल्क सीएफएसएस की-
  • कंपनी जो इस स्कीम का लाभ नहीं ले सकती :
  • कंपनी Strike off के तहत बंद
  • Strike off कंपनियों
  • प्रसुप्त कंपनियोंकी स्थिति प्राप्त करने के लिए दायर आवेदन
  • लुप्त कंपनियों
  • फोrm एसएच 7 अधिकृत में वृद्धि के लिए शेयर पूंजी
  • फार्म CHG -1, CHG -4, CHG -8, CHG-9 का शुल्कसे संबंधित
  • निष्क्रिय कंपनियों को क्या करना होगा :

  • Dormant कंपनी की स्थिति प्राप्त करने के लिए आवेदन
  • कंपनी जिसका नाम स्ट्राइक ऑफ के लिय आवेदन करना
  • आरओसी / एमसीए द्वारा एक्शन :
  • यदि लंबित रिटर्न / दस्तावेजदाखिल नहीं किए जाते हैं तो
  • एमसीए / आरओसीकंपनी अधिनियम, 2013 के प्रावधानों के अनुसार कार्रवाई करेंगे जो बहुत ही उच्च दंड का प्रावधान करता है

How to Apply for Legal Registration for Youtube Channel Advertisement Business

How to Apply for Legal Registration for Youtube Channel Advertisement Business

If you run YouTube channel and earning money through advertisements or any other form you are required to register your YouTube channel as a business, Earning money through advertisements is an advertisement business and you must register your business with any of the business structures available for registration in India,

In this post I will let you know about the legal registration procedure for YouTube channel in India:

Choosing the right business structure or Firm:

In India the business can be done through various types of business structures available for the registration of an YouTube channel you must know about the available business structures:

Proprietorship firm business:

Proprietorship form any single individual who is doing business can register and firm under his own name the proprietorship firm will not be in a separate entity from its owner. If you are a single person and run a YouTube channel earning some money through advertisements on YouTube then you can register a proprietorship firm.

Registration of proprietorship firm is not mandatory in India but for opening open a bank account bank will ask you for or some registration in the name of your Business, e.g. If the Name of Your Business is “MY STUDIO” than your Business Bank account should be in the Name of “MY STUDIO”

Registration of a new proprietorship firm as an advertisement business you can obtain Udyog Aadhar registration and submit your Udyog Aadhaar registration certificate along with your KYC document to your Bank in which you want to open a bank account in the name of your firm.

Now you start your business under your firm by accepting payments to Firm Bank Account, under the Proprietorship firm.

Now you are required to file your income tax return under the personal name as business income early basis and pay required taxes, if required to be paid , There is no separate PAN number required for proprietorship firm, the PAN number of proprietor will be the PAN number of a firm.

Also if you run a blog then also you are not required to obtain the separate registration for each and every kind of business and under the same business or firm you can receive your payment for the advertisements, or other invoices for services.

Partnership Firm :

If you are two or more person running in a single advertisement business , YouTube Channel or blog or any other type of advertisement business , you have to define

  • profit sharing ratio,
  • capital contribution and
  • work in your business for which you can do this

by mentioning the particulars in the partnership deed like what will be the profit sharing ratio how much capital contribution will be done by each partner and

how the bank account of the firm will be operated will the bank account of the firm will be operated by any of the partners of the firm or bank account will be operated by all of the partners jointly in the name of the firm

Registration and starting of a partnership firm following steps are required to be followed

  • Drafting of partnership Deed
  • Stamping of Partnership Deed
  • Signing of Partnership Deed
  • Applying for PAN no of Partnership Firm
  • Signing of Registration documents
  • Application of Registration of partnership firm with Registrar of Firm

Once all the formalities are completed now you are required to open a bank account in the name of the firm and start accepting the payment of invoices for advertisement fees or any other services which are included and the partnership deed.

Income of a partnership firm is a income of a firm and partners can take remuneration from the partnership firm, the remuneration received by the partner will be treated as a business income and the hand of partner

Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

Limited liability partnership is the same as is the partnership with limited liability, all also LLP is a separate legal entity.

LLP is regulated by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs and the registration of LLP is done for Central registration centre crc in India, jurisdictions of the LLP vests with the register of Companies of the state in which the registered office of the LLP is situated

Procedure for registration of limited liability partnership (LLP) for Youtube Channel

  • Application for obtaining of Digital Signature
  • Drafting of LLP Agreement (Same as Partnership Deed)
  • Application for Registration with CRC
  • Signing and Stamping of LLP Agreement
  • Filing of LLP Agreement with ROC within 30 Days of Registration of LLP

Private Limited Company

Private Limited Company is the most popular structure for businesses and startups. Private Limited Company allows outside funding & Foreign Direct Investment easily. Private Limited Companies are required to hold Board Meetings,Register Secured Loans with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs,Hold Members Meeting for Important matters,Make complete disclosures about important matters in their Board Report. Due to all these regulatory disclosures and requirements imposed on Private Limited Company by Company Law they tend to be viewed with more credibility than a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), One Person Company (OPC), or General Partnership.

Procedure for registration of Private limited company for Youtube Channel

  • Application for obtaining of digital signature
  • Signing of Incorporation Documents
  • Application for Incorporation of Company

These days the Government of India simplified the registration of private companies to much extent and now the applicants to the private limited company can now PAN, TAN, ESIC EPFO and bank account of the company as soon as they get the registration certificate of a company.

In private limited company two or more persons are required and the act has a directors and the shareholders of the company while the one person company as private limited company can also be integrated with the single person the single individual person will whole has a directorship and shareholder of the company.

Directors and shareholders can be the same or different persons in the company.

GST Registration

GST registration is the same for all of the above business structures, There are two types and the GST registration one is a compulsory GST registration and other is voluntary registration under compulsory registration if your turnover exceeds Rupees 20 lakin a particular year you have to obtain the registration within 30 days of crossing the limit and you can also obtain the GST registration voluntary if you required so.

Fastlegal provides business registration and professional Consulting Services to all type of businesses if you need any help you can directly contact us at 9782280098 or email us at mail@fastlegal.in


प्राइवेट लिमिटेड कंपनी पंजीकरण प्रक्रिया – हिंदी में

Nidhi Company

प्राइवेट लिमिटेड कंपनी व्यवसायों और स्टार्टअप के लिए सबसे लोकप्रिय संरचना है। प्राइवेट लिमिटेड कंपनी बाहरी वित्त पोषण और विदेशी प्रत्यक्ष निवेश को आसानी से अनुमति देती है। प्राइवेट लिमिटेड कंपनियों को बोर्ड मीटिंग्स, कॉर्पोरेट मामलों के मंत्रालय के साथ सुरक्षित ऋण पंजीकृत करना, महत्वपूर्ण मामलों के लिए सदस्यों की बैठक आयोजित करना, बोर्ड बोर्ड रिपोर्ट में महत्वपूर्ण मामलों के बारे में पूर्ण खुलासा करना आवश्यक है। कंपनी लॉ द्वारा प्राइवेट लिमिटेड कंपनी पर लगाए गए इन सभी नियामक प्रकटीकरण और आवश्यकताओं के कारण उन्हें सीमित देयता भागीदारी (एलएलपी), वन पर्सन कंपनी (ओपीसी), या सामान्य साझेदारी की तुलना में अधिक विश्वसनीयता के साथ देखा जाता है।

प्राइवेट लिमिटेड कंपनी का पंजीकरण :

प्राइवेट लिमिटेड कंपनी के पंजीकरण के लिए प्रक्रिया :

  • डिजिटल हस्ताक्षर प्राप्त करना:

नियमित अनुपालन आवश्यकताओं के लिए इनकॉर्पोरेशन एप्लिकेशन और अन्य रूपों पर हस्ताक्षर करने के लिए डिजिटल हस्ताक्षर की आवश्यकता है, यह प्रमाणन प्राधिकरण (जैसे सिफी, एनकोड इत्यादि) द्वारा जारी किया जाता है।

निदेशकों के लिए डिजिटल हस्ताक्षर प्राप्त करने के लिए आवश्यक दस्तावेज निम्नलिखित हैं:

1.) भारतीय नागरिकों और निवासियों के लिए:

ए।) पैन कार्ड की प्रति

बी।) ड्राइविंग लाइसेंस / पासपोर्ट / आधार कार्ड / मतदाता पहचान पत्र की प्रति

सी।) पूरी तरह से डिजिटल हस्ताक्षर फॉर्म भर दिया और हस्ताक्षरित।

2. विदेशी नागरिकों के लिए:

ए।) अगर देश हेग सम्मेलन की पार्टी है तो नोटराइज्ड या एपोस्टिल्ड पासपोर्ट की प्रति।

बी।) पूरी तरह से डिजिटल हस्ताक्षर फॉर्म भर दिया और हस्ताक्षरित।


प्राइवेट लिमिटेड कंपनी पंजीकरण के लिए आवश्यक दस्तावेज:

1.) भारतीय नागरिकों और निवासियों के लिए:

ए।) पैन कार्ड की प्रति

बी।) ड्राइविंग लाइसेंस / पासपोर्ट / आधार कार्ड / मतदाता पहचान पत्र की प्रति

सी।) नवीनतम बैंक स्टेटमेंट 2 महीने से अधिक पुराना नहीं है

2. विदेशी नागरिकों के लिए:

ए।) अगर देश हेग सम्मेलन की पार्टी है तो नोटराइज्ड या एपोस्टिल्ड पासपोर्ट की प्रति।

बी।) और पता प्रमाण

प्राइवेट लिमिटेड कंपनी का नाम:

प्राइवेट लिमिटेड कंपनी का नाम अद्वितीय होना चाहिए कि कंपनी के बिजनेस क्लास में मौजूदा कंपनी या एलएलपी या ट्रेडमार्क के नाम के समान नहीं होना चाहिए, इसे भारत में पंजीकृत या लागू नहीं किया जाना चाहिए। हमें नाम को पूरी तरह से खोजना होगा ताकि नाम अस्वीकृति की संभावना बहुत कम हो और हमें कंपनी को पहले उदाहरण में अनुमोदित किया जा सके।

दस्तावेजों के शामिल होने का मसौदा तैयार करना और हस्ताक्षर करना:

अब निगमन दस्तावेज तैयार किए जाने की आवश्यकता है और प्रस्तावित कंपनी के सभी निदेशकों और सब्सक्राइबर्स द्वारा हस्ताक्षरित होने की आवश्यकता है।

कंपनियों के रजिस्ट्रार के साथ सम्मिलन आवेदन की फाइलिंग:

एक बार सभी दस्तावेजों पर हस्ताक्षर किए जाने के बाद, आरओसी के साथ दायर करने के लिए एक निगमन फॉर्म की आवश्यकता होती है, आवश्यक स्टाम्प ड्यूटी अपलोड करने और सरकारी शुल्क के भुगतान के बाद आरओसी और आरओसी के लिए निगमन फॉर्म पहुंच योग्य होता है और यदि सबकुछ ठीक है कंपनी, कंपनी आरओसी द्वारा अनुमोदित है।

एक बार जब कंपनी के निगमन फॉर्म को आरओसी द्वारा अनुमोदित किया जाता है तो हमें कंपनी के निगमन का प्रमाणपत्र मिलता है और कंपनी पंजीकृत है

पैन और टैन:

हमें कंपनी के प्रमाणपत्र के प्रमाणपत्र के साथ पैन और टीएएन नंबर मिलेगा।

पंजीकरण के लिए मूल्य निर्धारण:
सरकारी स्टाम्प ड्यूटी: 1010 (1 लाख कैपिटल के साथ), घोषणा पत्र पर नोटरी और स्टाम्प रु। 9 0, रु। डीएससी के लिए 700 * 2 = 1400 और रु। 5000 / – व्यावसायिक शुल्क

कुल शुल्क: रु। 7500 / –


ROC Annual Filing For Private Limited Company

Every Private Limited Company is required to make compliance of provisions of Companies Act, 2013 and rules made thereunder. There are many compliances that every private limited company is required to follow and are required to maintain various statutory registers and records all the time. Here we will discuss the Compliance requirements for Annual Filing of Private Limited Company to ROC in various forms and required documents that are required to be attached with the e form that is required to be filed with ROC.

Documents required to be prepared for ROC Annual Filing : –

  • Directors Report: Directors of every company is required to prepare Directors Report, Directors report should contain Information and Disclosures regarding Financial Summary of Company, Meeting of Board of directors held during the year, Auditors, outlook towards company business, information about subsidiary and associate companies, Directors responsibility statement, Particulars of loans, guarantees or investments, transactions with related parties, dividend,amount transferred to reserve etc.
  • Financial Statements: Financial Statements means Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account and Cashflow Statement and Statement of Change in Equity.
  • List of Shareholders of the Company

E Form Required to be filed for ROC Annual Filing :

  1. Form ADT-1: ADT-1 is required to be filed when the auditor is appointed in the company, in accordance with the provisions of the companies act auditor is appointed for the period of 5 years subject to ratification by members in every Annual General Meeting of the Company. So This e form is required to Filed once in every five years.
  2. Form AOC-4: In This e form brief details of Financial Statements are filed and Financial Statements including Directors report are attached.
  3. Form MGT-7: Form MGT-7 is an Annual Return of the Company and details regarding Directors, Directors Shareholding, Promoters, Promoters Shareholding, Capital Structure of the Company, Details of Transfer of Shares, Certificate of Company Secretary regarding Compliance of Provisions of Companies Act, List of Shareholders of the Company including number of shares held by them.
  4. Form AOC-4 CFS: This e Form is required to be filed by Companies who are required to prepare consolidated Financial Statements.
  5. Form AOC-4 XBRL: This E Form is required to be filed by Companies who are required to file Financial Statements in XBRL.

Fee For Filing E Forms with ROC :

Rs. 300/400/600 per eform depending on the Authorised Share capital of the company. Normally with 1 Lakh Capital, it will be Rs. 300 if filed within 15 days for ADT-1, 30 days for AOC-4, 60 days for MGT-7 from the date of AGM.


Private Limited Company ROC Filing. Annual Return Filing Support from Fastlegal Team Members at 9782280098 or Place your request by Filing details below:

[jotform id=”80759167884474″]


Register Private Limited Company in Jaipur

Private Limited Company is the most popular structure for businesses and startups. Private Limited Company allows outside funding & Foreign Direct Investment easily. Private Limited Companies are required to hold Board Meetings,Register Secured Loans with Ministry of Corporate Affairs,Hold Members Meeting for Important matters,Make complete disclosures about important matters in their Board Report. Due to all these regulatory disclosures and requirments imposed on Private Limited Company by Company Law they tend  to be viewed with more credibility than a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), One Person Company (OPC), or General Partnership.

Incorporation of Private Limited Company

Following are the steps involved in Incorporation of a Private Limited Company in India:

Obtaining Digital Signature:

Digital Signature is required to sign Incorporation application and other forms for regular compliance needs,It is issued by certifying authority (like Sify, ncode etc.). Following are the documents required for obtaining Digital Signature for Directors:

1.) For Indian citizens & residents:

a.) Copy of Pan Card

b.) Copy of Driving license/Passport/Aadhar Card/Voters’ Identity Card

c.) Dully filled and signed Digital Signature Form.

2. For Foreign Nationals:

a.) Copy of Notarized or Appostilled Passport if the country is a party to Hague convention.

b.) Dully filled and signed Digital Signature Form.


Documents Required for Private Limited Company Registration :

1.) For Indian citizens & residents:

a.) Copy of Pan Card

b.) Copy of Driving license/Passport/Aadhar Card/Voters’ Identity Card

c.) Latest Bank statement not older than 2 months

2. For Foreign Nationals:

a.) Copy of Notarized or Appostilled Passport if the country is a party to Hague convention.

b.) and Address proof

Name of Private Limited Company  :

Name of Private Limited Company should be unique that it should not be identical to the name of Existing company or LLP or Trademark in the business class of the company should not be registered or applied in India. We need to search the name thoroughly so that chances of name rejection becomes very low and we get the company approved in the first instance.

Drafting and Signing of Incorporation of Documents :

Now incorporation documents are required to be prepared and   are required to be signed by all the Directors and Subscribers of the proposed Company.

Filing of Incorporation Application with Registrar of Companies:

Once all the documents are signed , a incorporation form is required to e filed with ROC, after uploading and payment of required stamp duty and government fee the incorporation form is accessible to ROC and ROC checks the forms and if everything is allright including name of the Company, the Company is approved by the ROC.

Once the company incorporation form is approved by ROC we get the certificate of incorporation of the Company and company is registered

PAN and TAN:  

We will get the PAN and TAN no along with Certificate of Incorporation of Company.

Pricing for Registration :

Govt Stamp Duty : 1010 ( with 1 Lakh Capital ),  Notery and Stamp on Declaration form Rs. 90 ,  Rs. 700*2= 1400 for DSC and Rs. 5000/- Professional Fee

Total Charges : Rs. 7500/-


Place your request for Company registration with Fastlegal or call at 9782280098


Company Setup by Foreign Nationals in India

Nidhi Company

India is one of the top growing economy in the world in the last decade Foreign Direct Investment by Foreign Nationals and  foreign companies has increased significantly. Every Foreign Entity/ Nationals who intends to setup company in India has to follow the Indians Companies Act, 2013, Foreign Direct Investment Policy (FDI ) and Sector, Goods and Services Tax Act, Income Tax Act and Sector Specific Rules and Regulations like healthcare Company needs drug licences etc.

Investing in India by foreign entities into India is subject to FDI Policy, In India FDI policy has two different routes

  1. Automatic Route

  2. Approval Route

#1. Automatic Route : In this route prior approval of Government is not required , only intimation is required to RBI in the Form FC-GPR , FDI Policy provides sectors where FDI is allowed at what percentage of Equity Capital of the Company.

#2. Approval Route : This is route prior approval of government is required, where FDI is allowed under approval route under FDI Policy.

Setting up a Company in India by Foreign Nationals / Foreign Companies entering Indian Markets :

In the recent times Indian has made much simplification process in registering or setting up company in India, Here is step by Step guide on setting up company by Foreign Nationals   :

#1. Getting the Documents Notarized and Apostle:

Indian companies Act requires that the Documents for foreign Directors and Foreign Investor or Shareholders should be noterised and Apostle, Documents may also be signed in India if the applicant is in India on Business Visa.  Documents of foreign entities like 1. Certificate of Incorporation 2. Charter documents like MOA AOA, 3. Resolution by Board of Directors of Foreign Entities should be all in English Language and certified translated copy in English  copy along with Noterised and apostle.

#2. Indian Resident Director:

Indian companies act requires that every company in India should have at least on resident Director who is resident in India during the financial year, we at Fastlegal provides resident Director appointment services in India, you may avail our services if you do not have your own person.

#3. Registered Office Address for Company :

Every Company in India should have Registered Office Address situated in India, you need to have one place as registered Office address. Fastlegal helps in getting the registered Office address.

#4. Name Approval Application

Company name approval application is required to be made for availability of name of company, the company nme should be unique, no other company or LLP or trademark should be already there.

#5. Digital Signatures of Directors and Subscribers:

We need to obtain digital signature in the name of Directors and shareholders from certifying authorities in India , Fastlegal team members helps in getting the DSC. DSC are required for signing the incorporation documents that are required to be submitted to Registrar of companies.

#6. Application for Incorporation of Company :

Once all the required documents of foreign nationals and Indian Resident Director is fine and digital signatures have been obtained than incorporation application is required to be submitted. All applications are verified by the registrar of companies and once he is satisfied with all the particulars of the application, he MCA issues certificate of incorporation to company.

#7. Company Bank Account :

Once we get the certificate of incorporation, we need to proceed to open a bank account in the name of the company.

#8. Funding of Subscription Money into company bank account :

Now subscription money for equity capital is required to be invested into the company by the subscribers to the company.

#9. Reporting of Inward Remittance to RBI within 30 days of receipt of money

#10. Filing of Form FC-GPR to RBI

#11. Application for GST Registration

Documents Requirements for setting up Company in India by Foreign Nationals :

Apostle and Notarized Signed Documents are required for foreign Shareholders and Directors.

For companies it will be :

  • Certificate of Incorporation,
  • Memorandum of Association ,
  • Articles of Association,
  • Board Resolution duly passed for entering and forming Company in India and

 for Foriegn Directors : 

  • Passport Copy,
  • Driving Licence and
  • Current Address proof in the form of Bank Statement is required.


Please email us at mail@fastlegal.in or place your request below for your company formation requirements in India


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Company Registration in Rajasthan

Private Limited Company Registration is the most popular structure for businesses and startups. Private Limited Company allows outside funding & Foreign Direct Investment easily. Private Limited Companies are required to hold Board Meetings,Register Secured Loans with Ministry of Corporate Affairs,Hold Members Meeting for Important matters,Make complete disclosures about important matters in their Board Report. Due to all these regulatory disclosures and requirements imposed on Private Limited Company by Company Law they tend to be viewed with more credibility than a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), One Person Company (OPC), or General Partnership.

Documents Required For Private Limited Company Registration in Rajasthan:-

  1. Photograph
  2. Copy of PAN Card
  3. Copy of Aadhar Card
  4. Current Address Proof – Bank Statement/ Electricity Bill/Telephone/Broadband Bill
  5. Registered Office Address Proof : Electricity Bill and Rent Agreement/NOC from Owner (If Owned by Himself or Family Member)

Information Required for Registration of Private Limited Company in Rajasthan :-

  1. Proposed name of Company
  2. Business activity of the Company
  3. Mobile Number and Email Id
  4. Education Qualification ( No Minimum Education Qualification Required)
  5. DIN no. (If already holding DIN)
  6. Capital of the Company

Pricing (Fee) for Registration of Private Limited Company in Rajasthan :

  1. Digital Signature Fee : 600*2 = 1200
  2. Name Approval Fee: 1000 ( if we apply for name in advance )
  3. Incorporation Fee with Share Capital of Rs. 1 Lakh and upto Rs. 10Lakh : Zero
  4. Stamp Duty at the Time of Incorporation in Rajasthan with Rs. 1 Lakh Capital : Rs. 1010 (0.5% on capital of the Company and Rs. 500 for AOA)
  5. Professional Fee : Rs. Starting From Rs. 5000/-

Features of Private Limited Company

  1. Required Minimum 2 Directors and Shareholders
  2. Investment Friendly
  3. Body Corporate and Benefit of Limited Liability
  4. Widly Accepted Business Structure
  5. Easy Restructuring
  6. Maximum Number of Members can be up to 200
  7. Suitable for Startups and Growing Businesses


1. Is it necessary to have 2 directors for Private Limited Company Registration?

Yes, you need a minimum of two directors for a private limited company. The maximum members can be 200. If you are the sole owner, you can register as a One Person Company.

2. Who can be Shareholder/Member in Private Limited Company ?

Any individual/Company/LLP can become the member of the private limited company including foreigners/NRI. However, the individual must 18+ above in terms of age and should have a valid PAN card.

3. Do i need a commercial address to incorproate a Private Limited company ?

No, It is not mandatory to have commercial address, you can form Company at Residential Address also, there is mandatory requirement to have Name Plate of the company along with CIN no.

4. Where do i get CIN No of the Company ?

CIN is always mentioned at Certificate of Incorproation of the Company , you are required to mentiond Company CIN at all commercial documents like Letter Heads, Visiting Cards, Website of the Company.

5. What is MOA & AOA of the Company?

Memorandum of Association is Charter document of Company , where the name, state of registered office, Objects of the company , Share Capital are mentioned , while in AOA details regarding Authority and procedure for operations of the company are mentioned.