
Web based Nidhi Company software in India – NidhiExpert

“NidhiExpert”-A web based Nidhi Company software in India for managing financial and compliance related affairs of Nidhi Companies.

“NidhiExpert” was launched around 2 years ago and and become most popular software among Nidhi Companies in India .

Main Features of Nidhiexpert Nidhi Company Software :

  • Cloud Ready
    • Get set ready Go! Start on-boarding new customers in 12hrs.
    • Secure loan & deposit management Software to keep your data Safe.Your data is Secure
  • No Need of Pre-printed Stationery
    • Membership Form, Loan and Deposit Application Form, FD/RD Bond, Loan and Deposit Account Statements.
  • Store Documents & Cases
    • Store as many Documents and case details as you want.
  • Accounting, Tax, P&L and Auditing friendly
    • Manage & Customize all your Accounting operations on the same Software.
  • Mobile Ready Solutions
    • Easily access and manage all your data from the Mobile.
  • Create and Manage Multiple Branches with ease
  • Multiple User Software with Single Point Admin Control
  • Manage Multiple Loan Types
    • Opening of Branch wise Deposit & Loan Accounts.
    • Branch Wise Report of Loan and Deposit Accounts.
    • Date Wise Collection Report of Branches.
    • Date Wise Disbursement Report of Branches.
    • Create Unlimited User.
    • Manage User Rights.
    • Activation/De-activation of User Account.
    • Set Timings for Users to access the Software.
    • Gold/Jewellery Loan
    • Loan Against Deposit
    • Property/Mortgage Loan
    • Fixed EMI Loan
    • Cash Credit Limit

Manage Multiple Deposit Types, Print System Generated Forms, Receipts and Agreements

  • Statutory Compliance as per Companies Act & Nidhi Rules,2014
    • • Saving Account
    • • Fixed Deposit Account
    • • RD Account
    • • MIS Account
    • • Deposit Account Application Form(Saving,RD,FD & MIS)
    • • Loan Account Application Form (For All Loan Types)
    • • Membership Application Form
    • • Cash/Bank Receipts
    • • Share Certificates and Share Transfer Form
    • • Loan Agreement
    • • Auto Generated Share Folio Number
    • • List of Shareholders
    • • Details of Share Transfer
    • • Form NDH-3 & NDH-1
    • • Calculate amount of unencumbered deposit
    • • Statutory Compliance Calendar
  • Customer Login and Fund Transfer
  • SMS to Account Holders
  • System Generated Ledgers and Voucher Entry
    • • Create Customer Login ID & Password
    • • Customer can login and check their statements & dues
    • • Intra-Nidhi Fund Transfer
    • • OTP based authentication for Transfer of Funds
    • • Auto SMS on Account Opening, Deposit and Withdrawal of Amount with updated balance
    • • Fully Customize the message content
    • • Manage member wise message sending
    • • System generated vouchers for financial transactions
    • • Auto voucher entry for financial transactions
    • • Trial Balance
    • • Profit and Loss Account
    • • Balance Sheet
  • Ledger Creation and Voucher Entry
    • • Ledger Groups
    • • Create Ledgers
    • • Post Voucher entry
  • • Complete Accounting Solution

Request a Demo-Whatsapp or Call At +91-96641-46595


कंपनी Return फाइल करने के लिए नई स्कीम क्या है – बिना लेट फीस के साथ फाइल करे कंपनी की return

  • क्या है यह कंपनी फ्रेश स्टार्ट स्कीम – 2020 (CFSS-2020) में :

कंपनी फ्रेश स्टार्ट स्कीम -2020 ROC / MCA के साथ E फॉर्म भरने के लिए अतिरिक्त शुल्क के भुगतान के लिए छूट के लिए है और अभियोजन के लॉन्च से प्रतिरक्षा या जुर्माना लगाने की कार्यवाही

  • कौन कौन से फॉर्म करे सकते है फाइल :
  • कंपनियों जो वार्षिक Return और आरओसी / एमसीए यानी फार्म एओसी -4, एओसी-4 एक्सबीआरएल, एओसी-4 सीएफएस के लिए वित्तीय विवरण दर्ज नहीं करवाई हैलिए,फार्म MGT-7
  • कंपनियों जो किसी भी ई फार्म कि करने के लिए दायर किया जाना आवश्यक है नहीं दर्ज कराई है आरओसी / एमसीए और दायर नहीं अर्थात फॉर्म एमजीटी -14, एडीटी -1, फॉर्म डीपीटी -3, फॉर्म डीआईआर -12, फॉर्म 20 ए, आईएनसी 22
  • अवधि जिसके लिए रिटर्न सीएफएसएस-2020 के तहत तक दाखिल किया जा सकता है।
  • 01-04-2020 से 30-09-2020
  • शुल्क दस्तावेज दाखिल करने के लिए देय
  • सामान्य फाइलिंग शुल्क
  • क्या है फॉर्म सीएफएसएस -2020
  • ई फॉर्म
  • आवश्यक हैएमसीए के साथ दायर किया जाना चाहिए
  • योजना के अंत के बाद6 महीने के भीतर
  • ई फॉर्म सीएफएसएस -2020 के लिए कोई फाइलिंग शुल्क सीएफएसएस की-
  • कंपनी जो इस स्कीम का लाभ नहीं ले सकती :
  • कंपनी Strike off के तहत बंद
  • Strike off कंपनियों
  • प्रसुप्त कंपनियोंकी स्थिति प्राप्त करने के लिए दायर आवेदन
  • लुप्त कंपनियों
  • फोrm एसएच 7 अधिकृत में वृद्धि के लिए शेयर पूंजी
  • फार्म CHG -1, CHG -4, CHG -8, CHG-9 का शुल्कसे संबंधित
  • निष्क्रिय कंपनियों को क्या करना होगा :

  • Dormant कंपनी की स्थिति प्राप्त करने के लिए आवेदन
  • कंपनी जिसका नाम स्ट्राइक ऑफ के लिय आवेदन करना
  • आरओसी / एमसीए द्वारा एक्शन :
  • यदि लंबित रिटर्न / दस्तावेजदाखिल नहीं किए जाते हैं तो
  • एमसीए / आरओसीकंपनी अधिनियम, 2013 के प्रावधानों के अनुसार कार्रवाई करेंगे जो बहुत ही उच्च दंड का प्रावधान करता है

YouTube चैनल विज्ञापन व्यवसाय के लिए कानूनी पंजीकरण के लिए आवेदन कैसे करें

YouTube चैनल विज्ञापन व्यवसाय के लिए कानूनी पंजीकरण के लिए आवेदन कैसे करें

यदि आप YouTube चैनल चलाते हैं और विज्ञापनों या किसी अन्य रूप से अपने YouTube चैनल को व्यवसाय के रूप में पंजीकृत करने के लिए धन कमाते हैं, तो विज्ञापनों के माध्यम से पैसा कमाना एक विज्ञापन व्यवसाय है और आपको अपना पंजीकरण करना होगा भारत में पंजीकरण के लिए उपलब्ध किसी भी व्यावसायिक संरचना के साथ व्यापार, इस पोस्ट में मैं आपको भारत में YouTube चैनल के लिए कानूनी पंजीकरण प्रक्रिया के बारे में बताऊंगा:

व्यवसाय संरचना चुनना:

भारत में व्यवसाय विभिन्न प्रकार के व्यवसाय संरचनाओं के माध्यम से किया जा सकता है YouTube चैनल के पंजीकरण के लिए उपलब्ध है जो आपको उपलब्ध व्यावसायिक संरचनाओं के बारे में पता होना चाहिए:

प्रोपराइटरशिप फर्म व्यवसाय:

प्रोपराइटरशिप कोई भी एकल व्यक्ति जो व्यवसाय कर रहा है, अपने स्वयं के नाम के तहत पंजीकरण कर सकता है और प्रोपराइटरशिप फर्म अपने स्वयं के नाम से अलग इकाई में नहीं होगा। मालिक। यदि आप एक अकेले व्यक्ति हैं और YouTube पर विज्ञापनों के माध्यम से कुछ पैसा कमा रहे हैं, तो आप एक प्रोपराइटरशिप फर्म को पंजीकृत कर सकते हैं।

भारत में प्रोपराइटरशिप फर्म का पंजीकरण अनिवार्य नहीं है, लेकिन बैंक खाता खोलने के लिए बैंक आपसे आपके व्यवसाय के नाम पर कुछ पंजीकरण मांगेगा, जैसे यदि आपके व्यवसाय का नाम आपके व्यवसाय बैंक खाते की तुलना में “मेरा अध्ययन” होना चाहिए के “MY STUDIO”नाम पर

एक विज्ञापन व्यवसाय के रूप में एक नए स्वामित्व वाली फर्म पंजीकरण केआप उद्योग आधार पंजीकरण प्राप्त कर सकते हैं और अपने बैंक को अपने केवाईसी दस्तावेज के साथ अपना आधार पंजीकरण पंजीकरण प्रमाण पत्र प्रस्तुत कर सकते हैं जिसमें आप बैंक खाता खोलना चाहते हैं। अपनी फर्म का नाम।

अब आप अपनी कंपनी के तहत प्रोपराइटरशिप फर्म के तहत फर्म बैंक खाते में भुगतान स्वीकार करके अपना व्यवसाय शुरू करते हैं।

अब आपको व्यक्तिगत नाम के तहत अपना आयकर रिटर्न दाखिल करना होगा क्योंकि व्यवसायिक आय प्रारंभिक आधार और आवश्यक करों का भुगतान करती है, यदि भुगतान करना आवश्यक है, तो प्रोपराइटरशिप फर्म के लिए अलग से पैन नंबर की आवश्यकता नहीं है, प्रोपराइटर का पैन नंबर पैन होगा एक फर्म की संख्या।

यदि आप एक ब्लॉग चलाते हैं, तो भी आपको प्रत्येक प्रकार के व्यवसाय के लिए अलग पंजीकरण प्राप्त करने की आवश्यकता नहीं होती है और उसी व्यवसाय या फर्म के तहत आप विज्ञापनों के लिए अपना भुगतान प्राप्त कर सकते हैं, या सेवाओं के लिए अन्य चालान कर सकते हैं।

साझेदारी फर्म:

यदि आप एक एकल विज्ञापन व्यवसाय, YouTube चैनल या ब्लॉग या किसी अन्य प्रकार के विज्ञापन व्यवसाय में चल रहे दो या अधिक व्यक्ति हैं, तो आपकोको परिभाषित

  • लाभ साझाकरण अनुपात,
  • पूंजी योगदान और
  • अपने व्यवसाय मेंकार्यकरना होगा जिसके लिए आप यह कर सकते हैं

साझेदारी विलेख में विवरणों का उल्लेख करके कि लाभ साझा करने का अनुपात क्या होगा, प्रत्येक भागीदार द्वारा कितना पूंजी योगदान किया जाएगा और

फर्म के बैंक खाते को कैसे संचालित किया जाएगा, फर्म के बैंक खाते को किसी भी द्वारा संचालित किया जाएगा। फर्म या बैंक खाते के साझेदारों को फर्म के नाम से संयुक्त रूप से सभी भागीदारों द्वारा संचालित किया जाएगा

और साझेदारी फर्म शुरू करने के लिए निम्नलिखित चरणों का पालन करना आवश्यक है

  • साझेदारी का मसौदा तैयार करना भागीदारी
  • की डीड पर
  • हस्ताक्षर करना साझेदारी का हस्ताक्षर
  • करना पार्टनरशिप फर्म के पैन नंबर के लिए
  • पंजीकरण दस्तावेजों पर हस्ताक्षर करना पंजीकरण
  • फर्म के रजिस्ट्रार के साथ साझेदारी फर्म का पंजीकरण

एक बार सभी के लिए रैलियाँ अब पूरी हो चुकी हैं, आपको फर्म के नाम से एक बैंक खाता खोलना होगा और विज्ञापन शुल्क या किसी भी अन्य सेवाओं के लिए इनवॉइस के भुगतान को स्वीकार करना शुरू करना चाहिए, जिसमें शामिल हैं और साझेदारी विलेख।

एक साझेदारी फर्म की आय एक फर्म की आय है और साझेदार साझेदारी फर्म से पारिश्रमिक ले सकते हैं, साथी द्वारा प्राप्त पारिश्रमिक को एक व्यावसायिक आय के रूप में माना जाएगा और साझेदार

सीमित देयता भागीदारी (एलएलपी)

लिमिटेड देयता भागीदारी का हाथ है सीमित देयता के साथ साझेदारी के रूप में भी, सभी एलएलपी एक अलग कानूनी इकाई है।

LLP को कॉर्पोरेट मामलों के मंत्रालय द्वारा विनियमित किया जाता है और LLP का पंजीकरण भारत में केंद्रीय पंजीकरण केंद्र crc के लिए किया जाता है, LLP के अधिकार क्षेत्र राज्य की कंपनियों के रजिस्टर के साथ निहित होते हैं, जिसमें LLP का पंजीकृत कार्यालय

पंजीकरण के लिए प्रक्रिया है। सीमित देयता भागीदारी (एलएलपी)(साझेदारी साझेदारी के

  • के डिजिटल हस्ताक्षर प्राप्त करने के लिए आवेदन
  • एलएलपी समझौतेरूप में एक ही)
  • सीआरसीसाथ आवेदन
  • हस्ताक्षर और एलएलपी समझौते के मुद्रांकन केएलएलपी समझौते के
  • एलएलपी पंजीकरण के 30 दिनों के भीतर आरओसी के साथदाखिल।

प्राइवेट लिमिटेड कंपनी

प्राइवेट लिमिटेड कंपनी व्यवसाय के लिए सबसे लोकप्रिय संरचना है। प्राइवेट लिमिटेड कंपनी बाहर से फंडिंग और फॉरेन डायरेक्ट इन्वेस्टमेंट की आसानी से अनुमति देती है।

प्राइवेट लिमिटेड कंपनियों के लिए बोर्ड मीटिंग, कॉर्पोरेट मामलों के मंत्रालय के साथ पंजीकृत सुरक्षित ऋण, महत्वपूर्ण मामलों के लिए सदस्यों की बैठक आयोजित करना, उनकी बोर्ड रिपोर्ट में महत्वपूर्ण मामलों के बारे में पूरा खुलासा करना आवश्यक है। कंपनी कानून द्वारा प्राइवेट लिमिटेड कंपनी पर लगाए गए इन सभी विनियामक खुलासों और आवश्यकताओं के कारण, वे एक सीमित देयता भागीदारी (एलएलपी), एक व्यक्ति कंपनी (ओपीसी) या सामान्य साझेदारी की तुलना में अधिक विश्वसनीयता के साथ देखे जाते हैं।

प्रक्रिया निजी लिमिटेड कंपनी के पंजीकरण के लिए

  • डिजिटल हस्ताक्षर प्राप्त करने के लिए आवेदनहस्ताक्षर
  • । निगमन दस्तावेजों पर
  • कंपनी के निगमन के लिए आवेदन

इन दिनों भारत सरकार ने निजी कंपनियों के पंजीकरण को काफी हद तक सरल कर दिया है और अब निजी सीमित कंपनी के लिए आवेदक पैन कर सकते हैं। कंपनी का पंजीकरण प्रमाण पत्र प्राप्त करते ही TAN, ESIC EPFO ​​और कंपनी का बैंक खाता।

निजी लिमिटेड कंपनी में दो या दो से अधिक व्यक्तियों की आवश्यकता होती है और इस अधिनियम में एक निदेशक और कंपनी के शेयरधारक होते हैं, जबकि निजी लिमिटेड कंपनी के रूप में एक व्यक्ति कंपनी को एकल व्यक्ति के साथ एकीकृत किया जा सकता है, जिसके पास एकल व्यक्ति होगा, जिसमें निदेशक और शेयरधारक होंगे। कंपनी का।

निदेशक और शेयरधारक कंपनी में एक ही या अलग-अलग व्यक्ति हो सकते हैं।

जीएसटी पंजीकरण

जीएसटी पंजीकरण उपरोक्त सभी व्यावसायिक संरचनाओं के लिए समान है, दो प्रकार के हैं और जीएसटी पंजीकरण एक अनिवार्य जीएसटी पंजीकरण है और अन्य अनिवार्य पंजीकरण के तहत स्वैच्छिक पंजीकरण है यदि आपका टर्नओवर एक विशेष वर्ष के 20 रुपये से अधिक है सीमा पार करने के 30 दिनों के भीतर पंजीकरण प्राप्त करें और यदि आवश्यक हो तो आप जीएसटी पंजीकरण स्वैच्छिक भी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।

FASTLEGAL आपको सभी प्रकार के व्यवसायों के लिए व्यवसाय पंजीकरण और पेशेवर परामर्श सेवाएँ प्रदान करता है यदि आपको किसी भी प्रकार की सहायता की आवश्यकता हो तो आप सीधे हमसे 9782280098 पर संपर्क कर सकते हैं या हमें mail@fastlegal.in पर ईमेल कर सकते हैं।


How to Apply for Legal Registration for Youtube Channel Advertisement Business

How to Apply for Legal Registration for Youtube Channel Advertisement Business

If you run YouTube channel and earning money through advertisements or any other form you are required to register your YouTube channel as a business, Earning money through advertisements is an advertisement business and you must register your business with any of the business structures available for registration in India,

In this post I will let you know about the legal registration procedure for YouTube channel in India:

Choosing the right business structure or Firm:

In India the business can be done through various types of business structures available for the registration of an YouTube channel you must know about the available business structures:

Proprietorship firm business:

Proprietorship form any single individual who is doing business can register and firm under his own name the proprietorship firm will not be in a separate entity from its owner. If you are a single person and run a YouTube channel earning some money through advertisements on YouTube then you can register a proprietorship firm.

Registration of proprietorship firm is not mandatory in India but for opening open a bank account bank will ask you for or some registration in the name of your Business, e.g. If the Name of Your Business is “MY STUDIO” than your Business Bank account should be in the Name of “MY STUDIO”

Registration of a new proprietorship firm as an advertisement business you can obtain Udyog Aadhar registration and submit your Udyog Aadhaar registration certificate along with your KYC document to your Bank in which you want to open a bank account in the name of your firm.

Now you start your business under your firm by accepting payments to Firm Bank Account, under the Proprietorship firm.

Now you are required to file your income tax return under the personal name as business income early basis and pay required taxes, if required to be paid , There is no separate PAN number required for proprietorship firm, the PAN number of proprietor will be the PAN number of a firm.

Also if you run a blog then also you are not required to obtain the separate registration for each and every kind of business and under the same business or firm you can receive your payment for the advertisements, or other invoices for services.

Partnership Firm :

If you are two or more person running in a single advertisement business , YouTube Channel or blog or any other type of advertisement business , you have to define

  • profit sharing ratio,
  • capital contribution and
  • work in your business for which you can do this

by mentioning the particulars in the partnership deed like what will be the profit sharing ratio how much capital contribution will be done by each partner and

how the bank account of the firm will be operated will the bank account of the firm will be operated by any of the partners of the firm or bank account will be operated by all of the partners jointly in the name of the firm

Registration and starting of a partnership firm following steps are required to be followed

  • Drafting of partnership Deed
  • Stamping of Partnership Deed
  • Signing of Partnership Deed
  • Applying for PAN no of Partnership Firm
  • Signing of Registration documents
  • Application of Registration of partnership firm with Registrar of Firm

Once all the formalities are completed now you are required to open a bank account in the name of the firm and start accepting the payment of invoices for advertisement fees or any other services which are included and the partnership deed.

Income of a partnership firm is a income of a firm and partners can take remuneration from the partnership firm, the remuneration received by the partner will be treated as a business income and the hand of partner

Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

Limited liability partnership is the same as is the partnership with limited liability, all also LLP is a separate legal entity.

LLP is regulated by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs and the registration of LLP is done for Central registration centre crc in India, jurisdictions of the LLP vests with the register of Companies of the state in which the registered office of the LLP is situated

Procedure for registration of limited liability partnership (LLP) for Youtube Channel

  • Application for obtaining of Digital Signature
  • Drafting of LLP Agreement (Same as Partnership Deed)
  • Application for Registration with CRC
  • Signing and Stamping of LLP Agreement
  • Filing of LLP Agreement with ROC within 30 Days of Registration of LLP

Private Limited Company

Private Limited Company is the most popular structure for businesses and startups. Private Limited Company allows outside funding & Foreign Direct Investment easily. Private Limited Companies are required to hold Board Meetings,Register Secured Loans with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs,Hold Members Meeting for Important matters,Make complete disclosures about important matters in their Board Report. Due to all these regulatory disclosures and requirements imposed on Private Limited Company by Company Law they tend to be viewed with more credibility than a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), One Person Company (OPC), or General Partnership.

Procedure for registration of Private limited company for Youtube Channel

  • Application for obtaining of digital signature
  • Signing of Incorporation Documents
  • Application for Incorporation of Company

These days the Government of India simplified the registration of private companies to much extent and now the applicants to the private limited company can now PAN, TAN, ESIC EPFO and bank account of the company as soon as they get the registration certificate of a company.

In private limited company two or more persons are required and the act has a directors and the shareholders of the company while the one person company as private limited company can also be integrated with the single person the single individual person will whole has a directorship and shareholder of the company.

Directors and shareholders can be the same or different persons in the company.

GST Registration

GST registration is the same for all of the above business structures, There are two types and the GST registration one is a compulsory GST registration and other is voluntary registration under compulsory registration if your turnover exceeds Rupees 20 lakin a particular year you have to obtain the registration within 30 days of crossing the limit and you can also obtain the GST registration voluntary if you required so.

Fastlegal provides business registration and professional Consulting Services to all type of businesses if you need any help you can directly contact us at 9782280098 or email us at mail@fastlegal.in


How to Apply for Udyog Mitra Registration in Rajasthan

In this article we will discuss about the main requirement for registration in Rajasthan Udyog Mitra, 

Udyog Mitra is the new concept that the Rajasthan government has come for setting up in MSME without approval under state Act’s . Udyog Mitra provides the new establishment or Enterprises the benefits for 3 years for any mandatory registrations required under the Rajasthan state acts for setting up of their Enterprises like shop and Establishment Act etc


The indicative list of approvals and inspections there under, for which the enterprise shall be exempted under the said Act after availing the Acknowledgement Certificate under Udyog Mitra, is following:

(i) Registration under the Rajasthan Shops and Commercial Establishments Rules, 1959
(ii) Building Plan Approval, Completion Certificate and Occupancy Certificate under Unified Building Byelaws- 2017 (Rajasthan Building Byelaws- 2017)
(iii) Building Plan Approvals under RIICO Disposal of Land Rules, 1979
(iv) Conversion of land (section 90 A) under The Rajasthan Urban Areas (Permission for use of Agricultural Land for Non – agricultural Purposes and Allotment) Rules – 2012
(v) Change in land use under The Rajasthan Urban Areas Change in Land Use Rules – 2010
(vi) Sub-division reconstitution and improvement of plots under The Rajasthan Urban Areas (Subdivision, Reconstitution and Improvement of Plots) Rules, 1975
(vii) Land Conversion under (Section 90A) of Land Revenue Act 1956
(viii) Layout plan approval under Rajasthan Township Policy 2010
(ix) Change in land use under Rajasthan Land Use Change Rules 2010
(x) Issuance of Trade license for Hotel, restaurants etc. under Rajasthan Municipality Act, 2009
(xi) Conversion of Land under Rajasthan Land Revenue (Conversion of Agricultural Land for Non-Agricultural Purposes) Rules, 2007
(xii) Transfer of interest in the land, as per section 27 under Rajasthan Gram Dan Act, 1971(Act No. 12 of 1971);


This is an indicative list and not the exhaustive list of approvals & inspections under Rajasthan Law which are covered under the Act. Besides these, the State Government or any authority under it is empowered to exempt enterprises from any approval or inspection or any provisions relating thereto under any Central Act as mentioned in section 7 of the Act by publishing in gazette notification


Udyog Mitra registration is very simple process and the applicant must have an Aadhaar number with mobile OTP enabled and he has to enter the details of the proposed your existing Enterprises that you want to start and can obtain their acknowledgement Certificate online.

Once the Acknowledgement certificate has been generated by the applicant now open a bank account in the name of the entity  and start the business operations.

The business is not require any special registration under Rajasthan state act and can be carried on for a period of 3 years from the commencement of their business



How to Make Application for Obtaining Status of Dormant Company

Meaning of Dormant Company

A Company which is formed and registered under Companies Act for a future project or to hold an asset or intellectual property and has no significance accounting transaction, such a company is an inactive company may make an application to application to Registrar of Companies for obtaining status of dormant Company.

Inactive Company – Means a Company which has not been carrying on any business or operation or has not made any significant accounting transition during the last 2 financial year or has not filed financial statements and annual return during the last two financial years.

Significance Accounting Transaction-   Means any Transition Other than :

  • Payment of Fee by a Company to Registrar
  • payment made by it to fulfill the requirements of Companies Act or other laws
  • Allotment of shares
  • payment for maintenance of its office and records

Application for Obtaining Status of Dormant Company :

#Obtaining Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) of any Director

# Pass Board Resolution for authorizing a Director to make application to ROC for obtaining status of dormant company

#Pass Special Resolution at EGM for authorization for obtaining status of dormant Company

#File MGT-14 to ROC for Special Resolution

#File MSC 1 for application to ROC for Obtaining the status of dormant Company


Mandatory Documents to be attached with form MSC 1: 

  • Copy of Resolution Authorizing application
  • Copy of Special Resolution
  • Auditors Certificate
  • Statement of Affairs duly certified by Auditor
  • Consent of Lender , if any loan is outstanding
  • Certificate Regarding No Dispute in the Management or Ownership
  • NOC from Regulators , if company is regulated by such authority



Procedure for making Contribution to Charitable Funds

Companies Contributing to Charitable and other funds may do so by following the rules laid down under the Companies.

The Board of Directors of a Company may Contribute to bona fide charitable and other funds up to 5% of its Average net profits for the 3 immediately preceding financial years.

If Contribution is more than 5% prior permission of the Company in General Meeting is required.

Procedure for making Contribution to Charitable Funds :

#Notice of Board Meeting –

Draft a Notice Convening a Board Meeting along with Necessary Resolutions

#Conducting Board Meeting –

Pass Resolution regarding making contribution to the charitable funds, if Contribution is in excess of 5% of average net profits , also make necessary procedure regarding holding EGM of the Company for approval of Members.

#Notice of EGM

Send Notice of EGM to members of the Company

 #Hold EGM and Pass Ordinary Resolution

 #File form MGT-14 to ROC under Section 117 of the Companies Act, 2013






Issue of Share at Discount

Section 53 of the Companies Act, 2013, prohibits a company to issue shares at discount except in the case of issue of sweat equity shares. Any shares issued by a Company at a discounted price shall be void.

Where a company contravenes the provisions of section 53, the company shall be punishable with fine which shall not be less than one lakh rupees but which may extend to five lakh rupees and every officer in default shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term of which may extend to six months or with fine which shall not be less than one lakh rupees but which may extend to five lakh rupees, or with both.



Procedure For Incorporation Of Subsidiary Company Of An Existing Company

Procedure For Incorporation Of Subsidiary Company Of An Existing Company

As per provisions of Section 2(87) of the Companies Act, 2013, “Subsidiary Company” or “subsidiary”, in relation to any other company (that is to say the holding company), means a company in which the holding company –
(i) controls the composition of the Board of Directors; or

(ii) exercises or controls more than one-half of the total share capital either at its own or together with one or more of its subsidiary companies:

As per provisions of the Act, in order to make the proposed company, CD Ltd., a subsidiary of the existing
company, AB Ltd., AB Ltd. must control the composition of the Board of Directors of CD Ltd. or it must exercise or control more than half of the total Share Capital in CD Ltd.
Keeping the above provisions in view, CD Limited shall become a subsidiary of AB Ltd. by a legal fiction and no separate application for registration of the subsidiary is required.
Section 186(1) prohibits a company to make investment through more than two layers of investment companies.


Important Points :

  1. The New Company Should be formed as such that the existing company must subscribes more than half of share capital of the Company
  2. Incorporation Procedure will remain same as Normal Company.

New Procedure for online IEC ( Import Export Code ) application/modification

New Procedure for online IEC application/modification has been introduced vide Trade Notice No 23/2018-19 New Delhi, Dated the 8 th August,2018 . Kindly see the following:
(i) Mandatory Documents to be uploaded for new IEC
(a)   Bank Certificate / Pre-printed Cancelled Cheque Required  *
(b)  Address Proof of the firm Required  *
 Any of the Following Documents: Sale deed | Rent agreement | Lease Deed | Electricity bill | Telephone Land line bill | Mobile Postpaid bill | MOU | Partnership Deed
 Other acceptable documents(for Proprietorship only): Aadhar Card | Passport | Voter Id
In case the address proof is not in the name of the applicant firm, a No Objection Certificate(NOC) by the firm premises owner in favour of the firm along with the address proof is to be submitted as a single PDF document
(ii) Digital Signature Certificate Now Not Required
Copy of PAN Card Now Not Required
Photograph Now Not Required

How to Register NBFC (Non Banking Finance Company) in India

NBFC Registration

NBFC stands for Non-Banking Financial Companies which means that Companies dealing with various Financial Activities like Lending of Money, Investment in Securities. Assets Finance Company, Merchant  Bankers, Insurance Companies, but not all of these are regulated by RBI, RBI has exempted Companies which comes under the jurisdiction of a separate regulator like SEBI, IRDA.

NBFC companies come under the jurisdiction of Reserve Bank Of India (RBI)  and RBI licence would be required for before carrying out any business activities of NBFC.

What is the difference between banks & NBFCs?

NBFCs lend and make investments and hence their activities are akin to that of banks; however, there are a few differences as given below:

i. NBFC cannot accept demand deposits;

ii. NBFCs do not form part of the payment and settlement system and cannot issue cheques drawn on itself;

iii. deposit insurance facility of Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation is not available to depositors of NBFCs, unlike in case of banks.

Basic Requirements for to get RBI Registration for NBFC :

  • Should be a Company Registered with Companies Act, 2013
  • Minimum net Owned Funds should be not less than 200 Lakhs ( 2 Crore )
  • Sound Profile of Promoters, It is advisable to include Professionals like Company Secretaries, Chartered Accountants having experience in NBFC Activities.
  •  NBFC Cannot accept deposits unless it is permitted by RBI, NBFC’s accepting deposits will be known as Deposit-taking NBFC.

Procedure for registration of Non-Banking Financial Company with RBI Licence:-

1. Register a Company

Only Companies Registered under Companies Act can apply for NBFC license to RBI, it is important to note that the main object of the NBFC company must be of to carry on a business of NBFC, so it is important to draft Memorandum and Articles of Association in line with these objects.  A Company can be either be registered as Private Limited Company or Public Limited Company. At the time of formation of Company, a declaration is required to be submitted that the company will not carry out business activities unless the prescribed approval from the sectoral regulator is obtained.

2. Open Bank Account and Deposit Subscription Amount

Once the Company registration process is complete a Bank Account is required to be opened and subscription amount is required to be deposited in the companies Bank Account. Please note that promoters cannot carry out any business activity unless the license is obtained from the RBI.

3. Increase Authorised and Paid up Share Capital of the Company

As the basic required to apply RBI license is to have minimum Net owned funds of Rs. 200 Lakhs, the Company must have such capital at the time for applying for RBI Licence, to fulfil this requirement company must have this much of capital. Here we need to increase this capital of the company to Rs. 2 Crore and amend the MOA of the company accordingly.  To increase the paid-up share capital of the Company the company is required to issue shares to existing shareholders or new shareholders either by way of a rights issue or private placement.

4. Make a Fixed Despot of Rs. 2 Core with the Bank and obtain Fixed Despot Certificate

After Increase of paid-up share capital, the company will be having funds of Rs. 2Crore, that entire amount should be deposited with the Bank in the form of Fixed Deposit.

5. Making required set of all the Documents to Submit Online and Offline application :

  1. Certified copies of Certificate of Incorporation and Certificate of Commencement of Business in case of public limited companies.
  2. Certified copies of extract of only the main object clause in the MOA relating to the financial business.
  3. Board resolution stating that:
    a) the company is not carrying on any NBFC activity/stopped NBFC activity and will not carry on/commence the same before getting registration from RBI
    b) the UIBs in the group where the director holds substantial interest or otherwise has not accepted any public deposit in the past /does not hold any public deposit as on the date and will not accept the same in future
    c) the company has formulated “Fair Practices Code” as per RBI Guidelines
    d) the company has not accepted public funds in the past/does not hold any public fund as on the date and will not accept the same in the future without the approval of Reserve Bank of India
    e) the company does not have any customer interface as on date and will not have any customer interface in the future without the approval of Reserve Bank of India
  4. Copy of Fixed Deposit receipt & bankers certificate of no lien indicating balances in support of NOF
  5. Banker’s report in respect of applicant company, its group/subsidiary/associate/holding company/related parties, directors of the applicant company having substantial interest in other companies The Banker’s report should be about the dealings of these entities with these bankers as a depositing entity or a borrowing entity.
    Note: Please provide bankers report from all the bankers of each of these entities and provide the
    report for all the entities. The details of deposits and loans balances as on the date of application
    and the conduct of the account should be specified.


Fastlegal Provides NBFC Registration Services All over India, Please Call at 9782280098 or Place a Request for NBFC Registration

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Provident Fund (PF) Registration – Information and Documents Required for Registration

Provident Fund (PF) Registration is very important for every organization with respect to employee welfare as the provident fund is Social Security initiative that the employees of the Company or Firm get into habits of savings and accumulate funds, EPFO contribution also gets benefits under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act.

Who is required to Obtain Provident Fund (PF ) Registration :

Provident Fund Registration is mandatory for every Company/ LLP/ Partnership Firm/ Proprietorship Firm or any other organization which employs more than 20 individuals, including contractual and permanent employees.

Voluntarily Registration of Provident Fund (PF) can also be obtained by the Company/LLP/Partnership Firm/ Proprietorship Firm which does not have the minimum 20 Employees.

Companies which are not registered under Provident Fund (PF) and are having employees more than 20 are required to register within 1 Month form the date of exceeding the limit of employees and can also be registered after 1 month by paying penalties applicable.

Information Required for Registration under Provident Fund (PF) :

Every Company/LLP/Partnership Firm/ Proprietorship firm are required to Provide following Information for Registration under Provident Fund :

  • Name and address of Company/LLP/Partnership Firm/ Proprietorship firm
  • Office details of Company/LLP/Partnership Firm/ Proprietorship firm
  • Mention date of incorporation/registration of company
  • Fill up details of employees – total employee strength
  • Activity the business/enterprise is involved in – i.e. manufacturing, production, service, etc
  • Owner details, including designation and address of Directors and partners
  • Particulars related to wage component of employees
  • Details of bank with whom company has banking relationship
  • PAN details
  • Basic details of the employee (name, date of joining, salary, etc.)

Documents Required for Provident Fund (PF) Registration:

Employers are expected to furnish certain documents as proof in order to successfully register EPF, a list of which are mentioned below.

  • Copy of Certificate of incorporation, partnership deed if the company is a registered partnership firm or GST Registration Certificate
  • Public and Private Limited Companies need to submit a copy of memorandum and Articles of Association
  • PAN details of Company
  • Proof of incorporation – first sales invoice/ license issued by competent authorities
  • No of employees
  • Cancel Cheque or Bank statement
  • Email id and Mobile Number

Fastlegal provides Provident Fund Registration Services all over India. To Avail Fastlegal Services Please call on 9782280098 /email us at mail@fastlegal.in



Nominee Resident Director Appointment Services in India

Every Company in India shall have at least one director who stays in India for a total period of not less than one hundred and eighty-two days during the financial year. This means every Company should have Resident Director on its Board.

The Wholly Owned Subsidiary Companies only with foreign Directors are now Compulsory Required to have  at least one Director on its Board.

Place your Request for Nominee Director Appointment Services by Fastlegal for foreign Subsidiary Companies in India

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LLP Closer Procedure – Fast Track Exit Scheme

LLP closer Procedure under Fast Track Exit Scheme, for that your LLP must meet certain conditions as par recent rules notified by Ministry of Corporate Affairs. Here are the details of  conditions required to be fulfilled by LLP

Step by Step Procedure for LLP Closer under Fast Track Exit Scheme :

  1. Make Sure that LLP has Nil Assets and Nil Liabilities
  2. Make Sure that the Limited Liability Partnership has not commenced business or where it commenced business, it ceased to carry on such business from a particular date.
  3. Make sure that the limited liability partnership has no liabilities and indemnifying any liability that may arise even after striking off its name from the Register
  4. A declaration that the Limited Liability Partnership has not opened any Bank Account and where it had opened, the said bank account has since been closed together with a certificate(s) or statement from the respective bank demonstrating closure of Bank Account.
  5. A declaration that the Limited Liability Partnership has not filed any Income-tax return where it has not carried on any business since its incorporation, if applicable.(c) a copy of the acknowledgment of the latest Income-tax return filed under the Income-tax Act,1961
  6. LLP is required to file form 24 with ROC.
  7. LLP is required file overdue returns in Form 8 and Form 11 up to the end of the financial year in which the limited liability partnership ceased to carry on its business or commercial operations before filing Form 24.

Explanation.—The date of cessation of commercial operation is the date from which the Limited Liability Partnership ceased to carry on its revenue-generating business and the transactions such as receipt of money from debtors or payment of money to creditors, subsequent to such cessation will not form part of revenue-generating business.”

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Read More :

How to File LLP Annual Returns and Statement of Accounts Online with Fastlegal


ROC Annual Filing For Private Limited Company

Every Private Limited Company is required to make compliance of provisions of Companies Act, 2013 and rules made thereunder. There are many compliances that every private limited company is required to follow and are required to maintain various statutory registers and records all the time. Here we will discuss the Compliance requirements for Annual Filing of Private Limited Company to ROC in various forms and required documents that are required to be attached with the e form that is required to be filed with ROC.

Documents required to be prepared for ROC Annual Filing : –

  • Directors Report: Directors of every company is required to prepare Directors Report, Directors report should contain Information and Disclosures regarding Financial Summary of Company, Meeting of Board of directors held during the year, Auditors, outlook towards company business, information about subsidiary and associate companies, Directors responsibility statement, Particulars of loans, guarantees or investments, transactions with related parties, dividend,amount transferred to reserve etc.
  • Financial Statements: Financial Statements means Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account and Cashflow Statement and Statement of Change in Equity.
  • List of Shareholders of the Company

E Form Required to be filed for ROC Annual Filing :

  1. Form ADT-1: ADT-1 is required to be filed when the auditor is appointed in the company, in accordance with the provisions of the companies act auditor is appointed for the period of 5 years subject to ratification by members in every Annual General Meeting of the Company. So This e form is required to Filed once in every five years.
  2. Form AOC-4: In This e form brief details of Financial Statements are filed and Financial Statements including Directors report are attached.
  3. Form MGT-7: Form MGT-7 is an Annual Return of the Company and details regarding Directors, Directors Shareholding, Promoters, Promoters Shareholding, Capital Structure of the Company, Details of Transfer of Shares, Certificate of Company Secretary regarding Compliance of Provisions of Companies Act, List of Shareholders of the Company including number of shares held by them.
  4. Form AOC-4 CFS: This e Form is required to be filed by Companies who are required to prepare consolidated Financial Statements.
  5. Form AOC-4 XBRL: This E Form is required to be filed by Companies who are required to file Financial Statements in XBRL.

Fee For Filing E Forms with ROC :

Rs. 300/400/600 per eform depending on the Authorised Share capital of the company. Normally with 1 Lakh Capital, it will be Rs. 300 if filed within 15 days for ADT-1, 30 days for AOC-4, 60 days for MGT-7 from the date of AGM.


Private Limited Company ROC Filing. Annual Return Filing Support from Fastlegal Team Members at 9782280098 or Place your request by Filing details below:

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How to Apply Bandhan Bank Limited IPO

Bandhan Bank Ltd. is an Indian banking and financial services company headquartered in Kolkata, West Bengal. Bandhan, which started as a micro-finance company in 2001, received banking license by Reserve Bank of India in 2014

 How to Apply for an IPO of Bandhan Bank Limited IPO:

1. You need to have DEMAT Account and Trading Account with Depository and stockbroker  to apply for an IPO
2. Login to your Internet Banking and Add click on Investment Option Tab
3. Find ASBA Option, Some banks directly show ASBA option

What is ASBA:

ASBA means application supported by blocked amount, in this case when you apply for an IPO the amount lying in Bank Account for the amount IPO will be Blocked until the allotment Date,  Once you get the confirmation on allotment of IPO than the said amount will be deducted from your bank account  and if you did not get the allotment than the blocked amount will be released.
4. Add your DP Id along with PAN and Other Details: you will find your DP id with your broker if you don’t have, Contact your broker.
5.Click on Ongoing Issues or Manage applications
6. Click on the current issue Tab and fill the Bid Details as given in the picture:
7. Select Investor category, Bid amount and DP account and Bank Account and fill bid quantity and bid price.
8. Click on the compute button and then authenticate the transaction with Password and OTP and Submit the Application.
If you need any help, Please do comment in the comment box

How to Apply for Bharat Dynamics Limited IPO

Bharat Dynamics Ltd.’s initial public offering as the government looks to part-sell its stake in the missile maker to raise up to Rs 960 crore.

The government will sell 2.24 crore shares, or 12.25 percent stake, at Rs 413-428 apiece in the three-day offer.

 How to Apply for an IPO of Bharat Dynamics Limited IPO:
1. You need to have DEMAT Account and Trading Account with Depository and stockbroker  to apply for an IPO
2. Login to your Internet Banking and Add click on Investment Option Tab
3. Find ASBA Option, Some banks directly show ASBA option

What is ASBA:

ASBA means application supported by blocked amount, in this case when you apply for an IPO the amount lying in Bank Account for the amount IPO will be Blocked until the allotment Date,  Once you get the confirmation on allotment of IPO than the said amount will be deducted from your bank account  and if you did not get the allotment than the blocked amount will be released.
4. Add your DP Id along with PAN and Other Details: you will find your DP id with your broker if you don’t have, Contact your broker.
5.Click on Ongoing Issues or Manage applications
6. Click on the current issue Tab and fill the Bid Details as given in the picture:
7. Select Investor category, Bid amount and DP account and Bank Account and fill bid quantity and bid price.
8. Click on the compute button and then authenticate the transaction with Password and OTP and Submit the Application.
If you need any help, Please do comment in the comment box

Nidhi Company ROC Filing- Annual and Half Yearly Filings

Nidhi Company

Every Nidhi Company is required to comply with provisions of Companies Act, 2013, and Nidhi Rules, 2014, ( i.e. Nidhi Company ROC Filing ) as Nidhi Company is Public Limited Company is required to follow all the provisions applicable to Public Limited Company unless exempted from compliance of specific section with or without any modification.

ROC Compliance as per Nidhi Rules, 2014 :

Filing of Form NDH-3: Half Yearly Return by Nidhi Company (ROC Filing)

Every Nidhi Company is required to File Form NDH-3 with ROC within 30 days from the close of each half year. i.e. 30th April for the half-year ending on 31st March and 30th Oct for the half-year ending on 30th Sept. Form NDH-3 contains the details of Number of Members admitted during the half-year, a number of members ceased to be members and a total number of members as on the date, Loan granted by Nidhi company along against the particular security and Deposits accepted by the Nidhi company form its members. Form NDH-3 should be certified by Company Secretary of CA , CMA in Practice.

Filing of Form NDH-1: Yearly Return by Nidhi Company (ROC Filing)

Every Nidhi Company is required to file Form NDH-1 with ROC within 90 days from the close of Financial Year, this form contains all the details regarding the members, loans, deposits, reserves etc for the full financial years.

Filing of Form NDH-4 (ROC Filing)

Every Nidhi Company is required to file form NDH-4 (one Time) for declaration of its status as Nidhi Company along with a declaration that Nidhi has complied with minimum no of required members i.e.200 and net owned funds of Rs. 10 Lakh along with other compliance declaration as per Nidhi Rules, 2014

nidhi company roc filing

What Nidhi Company cannot do as par Nidhi Rules : 

  • A Nidhi Company shall not carry any chit fund, hire purchase finance leasing finance insurance or acquisition of securities issued by any Body corporate
  • Nidhi Company is not allowed to issue any kind of preference shares or any debt instruments by any name whatsoever.
  • Nidhi company is prohibited to open any current account with its members
  • Nidhi company is prohibited to do any compromise or arrangement or takeover unless it is passed by a Special Resolution in the General Meeting and also obtained the previous approval from the Regional Director having jurisdiction over such nidhi company
  • Carry on any business other than the business of borrowing or lending in its own name
  • Nidhi company is prohibited to accept deposits or lend amount other than its members
  • Pledge any of the assets lodged by its members as security
  • Nidhi company is prohibited to take deposits or lend money to any Body corporate
  • These companies are prohibited to enter into any partnership arrangement in its borrowing or lending activities
  • Nidhi company prohibited to issue any advertisement in any form for soliciting deposits

Minimum Members and Net Owned Funds Requirements for Nidhi Company :

  • Every Nidhi Company Should have Minimum 200 members within 1 years from the date of incorporation and all time thereafter
  • Every Nidhi Company should have Net-owned funds of Rs. 10 Lakh within 1 year from the date of incorporation.

How much loan a Nidhi Company can give to its members :

  • Rs. 2 Lakh where a total amount of Deposits form its members is less than Rs. 2 crore
  • Rs. 7.50 Lakh where the total amount of Deposits form its members is more than Rs. 2 crore but less than twenty crore rupees
  • Rs. 12 Lakh where the total amount of Deposits form its members is more than Rs. 20 crore but less than Fifty crore rupees
  • Rs. 15 Lakh where the total amount of Deposits form its members is more than Rs. 50 crore
  • No fresh loans exceeding 15% of above can be if Nidhi is not profitable for continuously three preceding financial years.
  • Members who have taken a loan from Nidhi and defaulted in repayment of such loan shall not be allowed to take fresh loans form Nidhi.
  • Only Members of Nidhi Company can take loan form Nidhi Company

How Much Interest can be Charged on Loans By Nidhi Company

The rate of Interest to be charged on loan given by Nidhi shall not go above seven and a half percent(7.5%) above the highest rate of interest offered on deposits by Nidhi.

i.e.7.5% the gross margin that a Nidhi Company is able to earn from the operations.

Annual Filing of Financial Statements and Annual Return by Nidhi Company :

Form AOC-4: Filing of Financial Statements

Every Nidhi company is required to file its Financial Statements, along with Notice calling General Meeting, Directors Report, Auditors Report and Balance sheet to ROC within 30 days from the date of Annual General Meeting of the Company.

Form MGT-7: Annual Return

Every Nidhi company is required to file its Annual Return along with List of members of Nidhi Company within 60 days from date of Annual General Meeting.

Reporting of Resolutions :

As a Public Limited Company Nidhi Company is required to File form MGT-14 for Disclosure of Directors interest, Approval of Financial Statements and Directors Report.


Loans by Nidhi Companies

Nidhi Company

A Nidhi Shall provides loans to its members only.

How much loan a Nidhi Company can give to its members :

#1. Rs. 2 Lakh where total amount of Deposits form its members is less than Rs. 2 crore

#2. Rs. 7.50 Lakh where total amount of Deposits form its members is more than Rs. 2 crore but less than twenty crore rupees

#3. Rs. 12 Lakh where total amount of Deposits form its members is more than Rs. 20 crore but less than Fifty crore rupees

#4. Rs. 15 Lakh where total amount of Deposits form its members is more than Rs. 50 crore

Note : No fresh loans  exceeding 15% of above can be if Nidhi is not profitable for continuously three preceding financial years.

Members who have taken loan from Nidhi and defaulted in repayment of such loan shall not allowed to take fresh loans form Nidhi.