Draft Trust Deed for Public Charitable Trust

Draft Trust Deed for Public Charitable Trust

Trust is created via trust declared by settlor , in the process of declaration of trust settlor is required to execute trust deed , so he can write the terms of creation of trust and anyone in future can act on the basis of trust deed executed by settlor, Trust deed should be drafted vary carefully so as the trust declared by the settlor can achieve its objectives.

Trust Deed is should be duly executed , signed by either settlor or settlor , trustees. To Register Public Trust under Public Trust act of any state Trust Deed is main and important document.

Important clauses in Draft Trust Deed of Public Charitable Trust

Clauses Included in Draft Trust Deed

  • Name of Settlor
  • Declaration of Trust by settlor
  • Object Clause of Trust
  • Declaration as Public Trust
  • Beneficiary Clause
  • Area of Operations
  • Properties of Trust
  • Number of Trustees and There Powers
  • Trust Administration and Power of Board of Trustees
  • Meetings of Board of Trustees
  • Remuneration /Allowances To Trustees & Office Bearers
  • Bank Account
  • Trust Fund
  • Accountability Of Trustees
  • Accounts and Audit of Trust
  • Amendments to Trust Deed
  • Irrevocable Clause
  • Dissolution Clause

Draft Trust Deed

Charitable Public Trust Deed

  • Ready Made Trust Deed Draft Copy in Word
  • Just Change Basic Details like Name , Address, etc or make any changes you want
  • Ready to Print on Stamp Paper

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