• FDI
  • May 9, 2021

Frequently Asked Questions on Private Limited Company Registration in India with Foreign Directors & Members

Registration of Private Limited Company in India with foreign Directors and Members is more or less similar to that of normal private limited company with Indian Directors and …

  • FDI
  • July 3, 2020

FLA Return Due Date Extended to 31st July 2020

As per the information available on the flair portal of RBI for submission of the foreign asset and liabilities returns for the entities holding foreign investment and liabilities …

  • FDI
  • March 8, 2020

Foreign Nationals Company Incorporation in India

Investment in India by Foreign Company will be in accordance with FDI Policy in India, so foreign nationals incorporating a company in India are required to check out …

  • FDI
  • January 22, 2019

Procedure for Setting up Branch Office(BO), Project Office (PO) and Liaison Office (LO) in India

Foreign Companies Setting upĀ Branch Office(BO), Project Office (PO) and Liaison Office (LO) in India is required to make application to AD category Banks through which it wishes to …

  • FDI
  • January 4, 2019

FDI in Cash & Carry Wholesale Trading/Wholesale Trading in India

FDI in Wholesale Trading is allowed 100% under Automatic Route Subject to some Conditions.Ā  Meaning of Wholesale Trading/ Cash and Carry Wholesale TradingĀ  Cash & Carry Wholesale trading/Wholesale …

  • FDI
  • January 4, 2019

FDI in Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) in India

FDI in LLPs is permitted subject to the following conditions: (i) FDI is permitted under the automatic route in Limited Liability Partnership (LLPs) operating in sectors/activities where 100% …

  • FDI
  • January 4, 2019

Meaning of Person of Indian Origin (PIO)

(PIO) means a citizen of any country other than Bangladesh or Pakistan, if (i) he at any time held Indian Passport; or (ii) he or either of his …

  • FDI
  • July 8, 2017

Modes of Investment under the Foreign Direct Investment Scheme in India

Foreign Direct Investment in India can be made through the following modes: A. Issuance of fresh shares by the company under FDI An Indian company may issue fresh …

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