
How to Apply for Udyog Mitra Registration in Rajasthan

In this article we will discuss about the main requirement for registration in Rajasthan Udyog Mitra, 

Udyog Mitra is the new concept that the Rajasthan government has come for setting up in MSME without approval under state Act’s . Udyog Mitra provides the new establishment or Enterprises the benefits for 3 years for any mandatory registrations required under the Rajasthan state acts for setting up of their Enterprises like shop and Establishment Act etc


The indicative list of approvals and inspections there under, for which the enterprise shall be exempted under the said Act after availing the Acknowledgement Certificate under Udyog Mitra, is following:

(i) Registration under the Rajasthan Shops and Commercial Establishments Rules, 1959
(ii) Building Plan Approval, Completion Certificate and Occupancy Certificate under Unified Building Byelaws- 2017 (Rajasthan Building Byelaws- 2017)
(iii) Building Plan Approvals under RIICO Disposal of Land Rules, 1979
(iv) Conversion of land (section 90 A) under The Rajasthan Urban Areas (Permission for use of Agricultural Land for Non – agricultural Purposes and Allotment) Rules – 2012
(v) Change in land use under The Rajasthan Urban Areas Change in Land Use Rules – 2010
(vi) Sub-division reconstitution and improvement of plots under The Rajasthan Urban Areas (Subdivision, Reconstitution and Improvement of Plots) Rules, 1975
(vii) Land Conversion under (Section 90A) of Land Revenue Act 1956
(viii) Layout plan approval under Rajasthan Township Policy 2010
(ix) Change in land use under Rajasthan Land Use Change Rules 2010
(x) Issuance of Trade license for Hotel, restaurants etc. under Rajasthan Municipality Act, 2009
(xi) Conversion of Land under Rajasthan Land Revenue (Conversion of Agricultural Land for Non-Agricultural Purposes) Rules, 2007
(xii) Transfer of interest in the land, as per section 27 under Rajasthan Gram Dan Act, 1971(Act No. 12 of 1971);


This is an indicative list and not the exhaustive list of approvals & inspections under Rajasthan Law which are covered under the Act. Besides these, the State Government or any authority under it is empowered to exempt enterprises from any approval or inspection or any provisions relating thereto under any Central Act as mentioned in section 7 of the Act by publishing in gazette notification


Udyog Mitra registration is very simple process and the applicant must have an Aadhaar number with mobile OTP enabled and he has to enter the details of the proposed your existing Enterprises that you want to start and can obtain their acknowledgement Certificate online.

Once the Acknowledgement certificate has been generated by the applicant now open a bank account in the name of the entity  and start the business operations.

The business is not require any special registration under Rajasthan state act and can be carried on for a period of 3 years from the commencement of their business