Main objects of Publication and Distribution Service Company

Main objects of Publication and Distribution Service Company

To carry on in India or elsewhere the business as printers, publishers, typesesster, DPT operators, proofreaders, binders, cutter, perforators, laminators, designers, authors, writer and editors of publication all varieties, descriptions, specifications, applications & uses including books, novels, magazines, journals, souvenirs, newsletters, periodicals, bulletins, pamphlets, forms catalogues, diaries, calendars, posters, pictures, stickers, text books, law books, school books, college books, newspapers & other allied publications on any subject whatsoever in print as well as in electronic media and to develop software, CDs, cassettes, floppies or any other electors mode, devices, systems and to act as job work, contractor, sub-contractor, consultant, date entry operator, page maker, website designer, copyright owner and to deal in all goods, articles and things necessary for the attainment of the above objects.


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